Међународни дан математике

На предлог Међународне математичке уније (nternational Mathematical Union, IMU), 40. Генерална скупштина UNESCO-а је одлучила да прогласи 14. март (Pi-Day) за Међународни дан математике International Day of Mathematics, IDM).

Промоција ће бити обављена 13. марта 2020. године у седишту UNESCO-а у Паризу. IDM има и свој сајт са адресом idm314.org на коме се могу пратити дешавања у вези с овим даном. IDM-тема за 2020. годину носи назив Математика је свуда.

У наставку је текст дописа секретаријата IMU у вези са наведеним.

The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues,

For the last years, IMU has led the project to have UNESCO proclaim March 14 (Pi Day) as the International Day of Mathematics (IDM). The IMU is pleased to announce that today the 40th General Conference of UNESCO approved the Proclamation by UNESCO of March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics.

Official launch of the IDM

Since March 14, 2020 is a Saturday, the international official launch will take place on Friday March 13, 2020. There will be two parallel international events: the first one in Paris at the UNESCO Headquarters, and the second one, an African launch, as a plenary event at the Next Einstein Forum 2020 (March 1013, 2020) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Website of the IDM

The IDM website is idm314.org. Countries and organizations are invited to announce their celebrations. A media page, very soon to be online, will contain material to be used by the organizers (logo and flyers in different languages). Open Source material related to the theme will also be available.

IDM theme for 2020

The theme for IDM 2020 is Mathematics is everywhere. Descriptions in several languages can be found on the website idm314.org.

Invitation to celebrate

We invite your Adhering Organization to spread the word in your country and invite your community to celebrate at different levels: schools, public, media or national celebrations. Invitations to celebrate in several languages can be found in the media page on the website as soon as it is online.

1The IMU is deeply grateful to Christiane Rousseau for taking the initiative to create the IDM, for leading the process all the way to the successful proclamation by UNESCO, as well as agreeing to chair the IDM Governing Board.

Regards, Helge Holden

Prof. Helge Holden Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union
